For anyone who hasn’t had contact with the world for the past couple of weeks, we are now living in the time of COVID-19, aka coronavirus. Here in Austin, TX restaurants no longer allow you to be seated inside and eat meals. But you are allowed take out or delivery. You are not supposed to be in groups of more than 10. Schools are closed most places. Most public places are closed, think theaters and libraries. We’re supposed to stay at least 6 feet away from other people. That means quite a few personal services, think hair dressers, main salons, department stores, are closed. Places like pharmacies and grocery stores are still open. Other places may vary, depending on what they can arrange. In other words some places are having employees work from home if possible.
Some places are coming up with creative idea. Places like Michael’s are doing car delivery, so you place an order on-line, tell them when you will come pick up your order. When you arrive they will put your order in your trunk. Its one way to keep business. But many people have been laid off. Its going to make for some very tough times ahead.
But there are a few things that surprise me about their suggestions. They keep telling us to wash our hands. I’m not opposed to that, its something I tend to do a lot. What I don’t get is why do they have to tell us? Do that many people not wash their hands? don’t people washing their hands after going to the bathroom, while cooking, after touching things?
Another thing that is interesting, is they keep telling people to stay home if you’re sick. If you are sick, is there a good reason why you want to go out? I understand where you may feel you need to go out, grocery shopping, doctors appointment, but what about infecting others.Don’t people think about that anymore?
I do realize some people may be sick and not know it. But if you know you’re sick, have you so little regard, respect, caring for others that you don’t care if you get them sick? Or do you think its just unreal, not true that you’re actually ill, or that its actually serious? Right now they are saying that the mortality rate (those that will die from this virus) is about 1% (subject to change). If that’s true, then out of every 100 people at least 1 will die from this virus. It may be more likely to take the elderly, but do you want to kill off your parents or your grandparents?
It makes me wonder what we as a society have become.