These websites of mine are just for me. They are information, but I make no money from them. I pay for them all on my own. You won’t find any advertising on these sites. There is no newsletter attached to any of these websites.
The dance (now defunct) and garden sites (still working) have been online for quite a few years. Though life has moved on, times have changed, and my life has changed I have continued with my websites. I’ve added new sites as my interests have changed. I enjoy working on them and I hope it shows.
When I first began doing websites it was many years ago. My first blog was begun as a class project. The first website I made was for a friend in need. I didn’t exactly volunteer for the project. Someone else volunteered me, saying I knew how to build websites when I was really just learning. But I found I enjoyed working on the website, building it, and maintaining it on a regular basis. That is how my hobby of building websites began.
Because of what I learned way back when, I build my own websites and pay for them too. This way I can put up my opinions, from my knowledge, and not worry about what someone else may want me to say or do. And since I don’t try to make money off them, you don’t find advertising, nor newsletters. None of the links make me any money. I do these websites because I want to.
Building websites even inspired me to finish my college degree. How’s that for an inspiration.