Guy B

Guy B was a whole different animal. He was well educated, successful, well connected. Witty! “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. I’m talking about your garden, silly girl.” Oh yeah!! Dumb bunny said sure, thinking how bad can he be, he’s 70 years old!

He was a very spry 70. Let me put it that way.

He had a large two story house on a couple of acres. His wife had passed away about 3 months before. She had great taste in decorating. Private walled garden in the back. An adorable dog. He attended church regularly.

He baked bread. Himself! ohhhhhh.

Sorry, I digress.

And on that first meeting, he practically chased me around some rooms he was showing me. Yes, a guy 6′ tall was trying to get into more than just touching distance with little 5’3″ me. It was something of an unfair race. I did my best to keep out of those hands.

They were tempting, I will tell you.

It was an interesting meeting.

When he offered me some iced tea I wondered if it was safe to drink it. Remember, go for the bottled water, unopened bottle. Its safer.

Wow – what an experience.

But he was interesting, very interesting, and we had stuff in common. And that was more than just gardening. He liked photography, so do I!!

But those hands. You had to watch out for the hands.

He didn’t lightly touch your arm, he caressed it with his fingertips. This guy knew what he was doing, no question about that. Hands on your shoulders was more like a massage! He looked at you like he was 35 and undressing you with his eyes. With that grin.

I digress, sorry once again.

Our second meeting he called me out of the blue and asked if I’d like to meet for dinner. He picked me up at my place (bad idea). Ironically we went to the same place I had gone to with Guy A. It was a simple dinner but good food. It was warm and he had a fun Hawaiian type shirt, shorts (OMG his legs!), sandals, sunglasses, and a panama hat. OMG he looked great, and he knew it. The smirk on his face said it all. This outfit was no accident, just something I threw on outfit. He made sure to stretch those long legs of his out the side so I could get a good look at them throughout dinner.

After dinner he drove me back to my place.

He didn’t stay long. He’d just like a little kiss. Then he’d leave. HUHHHH!

This guys didn’t want just a kiss. That would have meant a quick, sweet thing. This guy went in for the kill! He wanted a full body contact number. This was not a hold your face cupped in his hands thing. Oh no, those arms made sure they could feel whatever he could reach. And then tells me “You are so damn f@*&able”. Holy crap. But he was hot I will tell you that.

And dumb bunny actually went to see him again, actually a couple more times. Did I mention dumb bunny? I’m not sure I would call them dates. I’m not sure that would be an accurate description.

He didn’t just text, oh no, not this guy. That private garden in the back had its own outdoor shower (was that a hint???). He was good. He knew what he was doing.  He could text what he thought you wanted to hear, and leave you hanging waiting for more.

But nothing is perfect. In this case he had emotional issues and preferred to self medicate. Not something I was looking for. And he was seeing other women. How many, I have no clue.

Occasionally comments would come out of that cute mouth and this girl listened. After piecing things together I figured he had to have gone on dating websites within about 6 weeks of his wife’s passing. I could be wrong there, but… He kids didn’t seem to be happy he was dating (I wonder why!).

Too soon. Too fast. Danger, Will Robinson.

By the time I finally left he had let out that he was going to “make his decision” (basically who was he going to date). And I knew it wasn’t going to be me. Exit time.

After all was said and done he decided to date some lady that had been a friend of his wife, he had known for a number of years, she hadn’t dated in years (to his knowledge), and went to the same church he did.

Great – I felt like we had been his way of letting loose before settling down. Maybe delusion on my side, that is a possibility.

I hope it worked out for him.

Really I do.

And I couldn’t help wondering if she knew what she was getting into. I figured at some point she would find out.

Guy C. The search continued.